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You think it, I ink it..

In today’s world, anything that a celebrity does, becomes a fashion statement. This is very much visible through the increasingly popular trend of getting a tattoo inked on your body parts. Several youngsters ape what they see their favorite celebrities d

Best body art ideas

Body art is a popular trend these days. It is an interesting form of expression. Every tattoo or piercing has some meaning and it is an excellent way of projecting who you are and what you stand for. Besides that it is fashionable and it certainly adds to

5 Hottest males with coolest tattoos

If men are the tougher gender, they sure don’t mind going that extra mile to imprint something permanently on their hot bods. After all, it is just a matter of little pain to get something which will make you stand out and get all the female attention. Ta

10 Best floral tattoos to adorn your body

The beauty and fashion market has been flooded with myriad array of tattoos lately. From school going kids to middle-aged people, all are going gaga for this very unique trend. With all kind of designs and hues incorporated into making these tattoos, flor

Why needles are better than piercing guns

We have seen the use of piercing guns for quite a number of years now, in malls and department stores for piercing purpose. But now, professional body piercers are having an opinion against the piercing gun. Most of the piercers of the malls undergo very

3D Tattoo Designs

  Tattoos are cool, funky and crazy, isn’t it? It is common to have a tattoo on ones body or rather we should say tattoos have stolen everybody’s heart these days. People are going crazy for tattooing. If it is …

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Naval piercing: Know it before you go for it

Naval Piercing seems to be getting very popular these days. Various celebrities such as movie stars and models are really endorsing this form of body piercing all over the world and girls are following this trend without even thinking about it twice. One

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