Tattooed Teeth

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After calling your skin as a canvas, for you to ink it in any manner you want. tattooed teeth 3 49It’s a pleasure to know that even your smile can be inked!!!!

Do not think that I am talking about tattooing your lips rather I am talking about tattoo for your teeth. Yes! Now you can tattoo your teeth from your dentist. Don’t be afraid that dentist will use inking machine on your teeth instead with the help of decalcomania he will place a design on your small teeth. You can choose any of your favorites from the design kits at Tooth Art.

This art is more prevalent in Europe and South America. tattooed teeth 2 49Slowly United States is also coming in the wrap of this temporary fashion drift. These decals on your teeth will not last more than three months. Thus, you will not have to repent for any the permanence of the tattoo on your teeth.

Moreover, these tattoo decals cost very less ($3.99 each) as compared to your skin tattoo.

VIA: Tooth Art

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