Dental Art Tooth Tattoo is the latest style mantra


There is a new fad in town that is steadily gaining prominence. We are surely familiar with tattoos. People all over the world are getting tattoos on their body. But tattoos on the skin were not enough, so some people decided to get innovative and start a new trend. Dental tattoos were brought into fashion by proper party creatures who got influenced by hip-hop artists and rappers flaunting their trendy artwork. These tattoos can be permanent or temporary in nature and medical experts say that they are a safe practice, with a few possible side effects of course.

If done correctly, they are much easier and safer than body tattoos. Nevertheless, do not forget to consult your dentist before going for a tooth tattoo. Your dentist may even help you in zeroing on the right dental lab and tooth artist for your benefit. It’s better to take his advice and choose an experienced technician in the field of tooth art.

Once you have the name and location of the artist, head right there and ask to see some samples of his previous work or get some testimonial from satisfied customers. Shop around for prices and varieties if you wish, just make sure they are legal and have experience in their field. Then you can move on to choosing the right kind of design or artwork for your tooth.

Think about the actual art, is it an image, a number, writing, symbol or a word. Decide the size and mention if you want to cover the whole tooth or just a part.


Now, if you have finally selected the design for your dental art after much debate and deliberation, think about its location on the tooth. Front, back, side or on more than one tooth. It is best to choose a simple design as the size will anyways be small and an elaborate or complicated pattern will be too intricate to be easily recognizable.

The deal is still only halfway through. Go back to your dentists’ office with the chosen artwork where your tooth will be photographed and it will be sent back to the dental lab with all the essentials.

Once your crown is ready, visit your dentist again. He will clean and prepare the tooth for the artwork. When the dental artwork is properly cemented you are ready to dazzle everyone with your shiny smile.

Do remember that you can opt for a temporary dental art if you are not completely sure that you want it there forever; because like many fads, this might be just a passing trend. But judging by its growing popularity, one can safely assume that tooth tattoos will be around for a long time indeed.

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